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About Portlet Permissions

Portlet permissions can be used to set which users can view and interact with particular portlets. More technically, it is a setting to restrict which Zope Access Control List (ACL) may access each portlet.

To enact portlet permissions, you first need to set a user with a specific Zenoss Role, which is located under Settings > Users tab. Zenoss user roles are different from the Zope ACLs. Each Zenoss user role is mapped to the various Zope ACL permissions, which allow one to restrict what portlets a permission level can see.

In review: giving a user specific portlet permissions is defined in part by Zope ACL permissions, and in part by what role your user is assigned.

User Role to ACL Mapping

Users Cannot See All Portlets Fix


One may unknowingly or mistakenly block users from being able to access some portlets. This happens most often when a user has been set to only see particular devices. By default, this user will only get portlets set to the ZenCommon permission level. By default, this blocks 3 of 6 portlets.


To fix this, either change the permission levels on the portlets settings tab to be ZenCommon, or change the user role of the user to be higher than No Role.